Frequently Asked Questions

Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?

I did.  At least as soon as I understood how to string words and sentences together.  

Did you ever want to be anything else?

In sixth grade I auditioned for a role in my school play, Godspell.    It’s a musical.  I love singing and didn’t mind being on a stage.   If I were to choose any other artistic profession, it would have been acting.

What’s your favorite color?


What’s your favorite food?

Hot dogs, although I know they aren’t the best choice for a healthy diet.  My favorite way to eat them is with sauerkraut and mustard. Yum!

What do you do for fun when you aren’t writing and reading books?

I love walking and exploring new cities by foot.  You discover so many things that you wouldn’t whizzing by in a car.  I also love going to plays and music concerts, watching corny romantic comedies, and spending time at my local public library.

Where do your stories come from?

All of my stories – whether picture books or novels – start with personal inspiration.  Someone or something in my life has made a lasting emotional impact and I feel compelled to start writing.   The rest is pure imagination.  So I’d say it’s 10% inspiration and 90% imagination.